Managing NetApp HCI / Solidfire storage with PowerShell scripting

Just a few scripts I put together in preparation for a migration project which involves NetApp HCI iSCSI storage.

The same PowerShell modules work with Solidfire arrays as well.

Instructions on how to install the PowerShell modules and use them are in the following links.

Use the following script to create multiple volumes.

CSV should include a single column with header “Name” followed by volume names.

Volume name example:


$Account = Get-SFAccount esxiboot

$QoSPolicy = Get-SFQoSPolicy -Name qos-policy-1

$Volumes = (Import-CSV C:\temp\volumes.csv).Name

foreach ($Volume in $Volumes)
         New-SFVolume -Name $Volume -AccountID $Account.AccountID -TotalSize 7 -GB - 
         Enable512e:$true -QosPolicy $QoSPolicy.QoSPolicyID

Use the following script to create multiple iSCSI initiators.

CSV should include two columns, first column with header row “Name” followed by initiator names, second column with header row “Alias” followed by the aliases for each initiator.

Initiator name example:

Alias example:


$CSV = Import-CSV C:\temp\initiators.csv
$CSV | %{

	$Name = $_.Name
	$Alias = $_.Alias

	New-SFInitiator -Name $Name -Alias $Alias

Use the following script to create access groups and assign volumes and initiators to groups.

CSV should include three columns, first column with header row “Name” followed by access group names, second column with header row “Volume” followed by the volume names (previously created), and third column with header row “IQN” followed by the initiator names (previously created).

Access Group name example:


Volume name example:


Initiator name example:

$CSV = Import-CSV C:\temp\access-groups.csv

$CSV | %{

	$Name = $_.Name
	$Volume = $_.Volume
	$IQN = $_.IQN

	New-SFVolumeAccessGroup -Name $Name

	$AGID = Get-SFVolumeAccessGroup $Name | Select VolumeAccessGroupID

	$VolumeID = Get-SFVolume $Volume | Select VolumeID

	Set-SFVolumeAccessGroup -VolumeAccessGroupID $AGID.VolumeAccessGroupID -Volumes 
        $VolumeID.VolumeID -Initiators $IQN

2 thoughts on “Managing NetApp HCI / Solidfire storage with PowerShell scripting

  1. Pingback: Delete multiple NetApp HCI / Solidfire volume snapshots with PowerShell - myitblog

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